Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Half Way Home

Sorry I didn't write after the third treatment, but better late than never. There's not really much news to report, which is good. This time there were no Woogie like reactions and the whole treatment only took around 5 hours, which is about 3-4 hours less than usual. My oncologist says that I'm still on the path I'm supposed to be as far as the treatment working. The tumors on the left side of my neck are gone and there are a couple sticking around on the right side, and I'm hoping they get down to Wolffia Augusta size as my friend Todd mentioned in his comments to my last post. I have to get a PET and CT Scan after this next treatment to see how well the treatment has worked. While the allergic reactions have pretty much disappeared, I've had a trade off with feeling pretty lousy right after treatment. It kind of feels like being injected with the flu and a really bad hangover at the same time. That's pretty much it for now, but I guess it's good not to have to much to write about. Outside of fatigue, I'm very lucky to have been dealing with limited side effects. Well, after this Thursday I'll be 2/3 of the way there. Thanks again for all the emails, letters, and visits!!!


Gulia said...

Yay Danny! Great news! So glad you are doing well and the Woogieness has worn off.

Love ya!

toddpg1 said...

Hangover....I thought you don't drink!!?? HaHaHa... Keep it up Longo!