Saturday, August 23, 2008

1 More Left and Some Great News

Sorry it's been a few weeks since my last post. I'll keep this one pretty short because I'll most likely write a kind of long one after treatment's over. Anyway, I only have one more treatment left this coming Thursday and then it's over!!! And on to the great news. I had to get a PET Scan after the 4th treatment to see how well the chemo was working. The results came back negative for cancer in my lymph nodes and organs! I'll still have to get another bone marrow biopsy about a month and half after treatment ends to see if cancer is still in there, but with this cancer, you can still be in remission even if cancer is in the marrow. Also, I can't call it remission until after the 6th treatment, so I'll have to wait until next week for that. But, this was the best possible result to get in the quickest amount of time to get it. They think that this result will mean a longer remission and that I have a cancer that's susceptible to chemo, both are very good things. Lastly, I'm not sure who organized it, but THANK YOU for the celebration that was put on for us outside after we found out my PET Scan was negative. I was able to video it and here's the link.
Well, thanks again for all the well wishes and calls and everything!

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