Thursday, February 7, 2008

6 Month Check-Up

So I just had the sixth month check up and it all went well! My platelets actually went up to 140k and my doctor said I'm in slightly better condition than last time, which of course can change at any moment. I know I've talked about what it's like when the doctor comes in the room, but I don't think I've mentioned what the vibe is like in the room before the oncologist comes in. First off a nurse come in and takes my blood pressure (which is generally good, but a little high because I'm about 30 minutes from finding out if my cancer is better/worse), takes my temperature, and then weighs me (which is always demeaning, and the nurse actually laughed a little at me today). Then we just wait there for the oncologist or his co-worker to come in. The following clip is pretty much how my parents, Kristin and I sound when talking during that time between the nurse and oncologist.. Not much else to add here, but I want to thank everyone that has given money to the Hike For Discovery. Some of you made some truly incredible donations, but all of them have meant a lot to me. I'll try and keep the updates a little bit more frequent then before. Thanks.

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