Tuesday, September 11, 2007


So this is my first ever blog and even though I'd rather it be about traveling with LSU tailgates, me having cancer will have to do for now. There are a few reasons for this blog/diary. First, is so I don't have to call up everyone individually when new news comes along. It will also serve as a reminder for myself in the future to look back and see when new news came along and what that news was. But the core purpose, is so that if anyone else that any of you know ever gets Lymphoma, they can have an precise idea of exactly what to expect and not have to base it on on-line articles that may have no credibility at all. I have no clue how often I'll post, probably after every check-up (every few months) and more often whenever chemo starts. I really hope it never seems like I'm feeling sorry for myself, because I don't, or that it's a bunch of complaining...that's the last thing I want this to be about. If it's ever descriptive in a bad way, it's just so that people that get diagnosed with Lymphoma will know exactly what it's like, no bullshit. And Oprah keeps a journal so I probably should too. There will also be posts if there's ever any sort of event that Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital or the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society are putting on. I hope you enjoy this blog and there will be a few updates to get everyone up to speed in the next few days. And PLEASE don't get offended if I ever make light of my cancer, I'd never make light of what anyone else has gone through or may have to go through, but making jokes about it helps me greatly... that's probably perverse and demented, but for some reason it helps. Lastly, thanks for all the "Good Lucks" from everyone, it definitely means a lot and helps when you have people around that care about you.


Unknown said...

Hi Dannyboy,

I think this blog is a superb idea. Thanks for keeping us updated on your health and your experiences. You will beat this. We are here for you every step of the way. I love you, buddy.

I was looking at your "profile" and came across your astrological sign...Cancer.


I did a little reading into zodiac symbolism and found that Cancer, the Latin name, translates to the English name, "The Crab". Hence the crustacean creature serving as the sign for Cancer.

That got me to thinking...to hell with cancer!

I wish you just had crabs.


Terri W said...

Hi Danny,

This is a great idea. You know how Italians are with passing along info. We never get anything straight.

You have a positive yet realistic outlook. Anyone that has ever met you will be there for you in every way possible.

Glad to hear about the perverse humor. It gets me thru every day. We are so lucky to have such a funny family. That was just proven to me, since your father called and had me call his cell phone to hear his message.

Will look forward to your postings.
Love Terri W.
PS: You had crabs?

Anonymous said...

Hey Danny,

I love the attitude and approach, big fan of perverse and demented. Always keep in mind youalsogotslotsofpeoplewholoveandsupportyou!

Love, Bill W

PS I'm also a cancer but never had the crabs,you should have been more careful.

Joey Di Rino said...

Whatzup Danny?!,
Just so you know who this is...it is I.....the introverted,anti-social,black sheep of the family who just so happens to have the greatest Mother on the planet. So you should now remember who I am.
That being said....a few things here caught my attention: making jokes,perverse and demented.I saw that and said "Yeah baby, I'm in"!!!!
Though your situation makes it tough to be funny.....I do love a good challange.
First....a disclaimer:This is meant for YOU Danny and if anybody else should get offended...well tough crap. For there are TWO types of people in this world:
1) Those that actually HAVE a sense of humor.
2) And those that only THINK that they do.
So I will try and drop about two jokes somewhere in this blog and then identify it as a joke for the sense-of-humor-challanged.
At any rate, this news that you drop on me is depressing and sad to me.....but then I stopped and thought to myself..."HEY!!...WHEW, Man he only has LYMPHOMA...it's not like he has that dreaded cancer or anything!"
( for those of you keeping score...that was my first joke)
So Danny boy....although I know this is and should be all about you....this whole lymphoma thing got me to thinking.....because of this temporary setback of yours...I would imagine that you will now be surrounded by many sick people that are sick with things that end in "PHOMA"
So, at the risk of being selfish, I am going to ask you to keep an eye out for a person with a VERY,VERY RARE illness that many people are not aware of out there.
It's called : NYMPHOMA.
It is a horrible disease that affects 1 in every 1 million women that are hot,thin,in their 20's with all natural hooters.
To be specific, the symptoms are the inability to say "yes" to "Just say no" and they tend to gravitate to men in their late 40's withe the initials JD. It's tragic, I know, but those women with this illness need to have sex 24/7. However...as we speak, there is a full team of WOMEN ONLY DOCTORS working day and night to find a cure for this horrible ailment.( for reasons that has yet to be explained....no MALE doctors are making ANY attempt to find a cure for this illness)
So....if by chance you come accross a women with this horrible affliction...please send her my way. I think it's high time that I do a little humanitarian work for the good of this country.(again,for those of you keeping score...that was my second joke)

So now that I can put all kidding aside...I gave you comedy..yet I am crying as I write this.
Be strong, be tough and fight this crap. I am pulling for you 100% buddy!!!! If there is anything I can ever do for you...just let me know.

Dina D said...

Hi Danny,

I think keeping a blog is a great way to track your treatments and to share your experiences with others that may be in the same situations as yourself one day or to even just look back at, many years from now.

My Profile: I’m a LEO, I have had cancer and once I thought I had crabs.

Let me share with you what my oncologist once said to me “You have cancer, its SUCKS, now lets deal with”. That pretty much says it all. I remember walking out of the oncologist office from just getting my diagnosis (uterine cancer) with my mother and saying “just think of how much money I’m going to save in tampons". Looking back years later, I found it funny, that I was able to make a joke even at the lowest point of my life and yet that was the reality of it.
Ok, I know you’re curious about what I did with all of the money I saved, well you’ll be happy to know that with that tampon fund, I was able to purchase my first home.

Seriously Danny your positive attitude, knowledge and sense of humor will get you through this, trust me!! Of course, I also found having good doctors, the support of a loving family and friends helped tremendously too……..All of which you have……..

Please know that if there is anything you ever need I’m here for you.

Love ya lots!

Dina D said...

Hi Dan,

(It’s your cousin Dina, Your Aunt Marie and Uncle John aren’t quite sure what a blog is or what to do with a blog however, they wanted me to post a blog entry to you on their behalf)

I remember years ago going with Dina to her oncologist and he said “You have cancer, its SUCKS, now lets deal with it”. And with the help of those who love you, you will win this battle too.

We are both here for you if there is anything you need.

God Bless
Love you!
Aunt Marie and Uncle John

PS: It's Dina again, boy, that oncologist sure did make an impression.

Doreen said...

Hi Danny,

I really like your blog and think it is a great idea. It makes me happy to see you have a great attitude and sense of humor about this whole cancer thing. I have absolutely no doubt that you will beat this! You have great doctors and friends and family who will be with you every step of the way.

Speaking of family..I have to admit we do have a demented sense of humor, which I have to admit I love! I know I have a sense of humor...after all...I have the two nicknames our family has given me...Do-Do and Go-Go. And to this day, I am still called by those two names! ( I am going to be 50 years old ).

I truly love our family...we are so lucky to have each other. No matter what happens between us, we are always, always there for each other. It is something you can absolutely count on. Just like the time you saw how sick my Mother was, and you took her to the Bronx to see Dr. Bonano. Terri, Joey and I feel you saved my Mother's life by getting her to the right Dr. at a critcal time. For that Danny, we will be forever grateful to you.

If there is ever, anything at all that we can do for you, please just ask.


P.S. I never had crabs, but my girlfriend did.

Joey Di Rino said...

Hi again Danny!
WOW! This blog IS a great idea! I am lerning sooo much about what you are dealing with as well as other stuff about our family members. For example:
I learned that I have a cousin who is not even sure if she had crabs...and I also learned that, on average, a female will spend well over $300,000 per lifetime on tampons. ( I'm in the wrong business)FYI: I got MY first house by way of a "condom fund" (those puppies are sooo overpriced)
I also learned that I have a sisiter who has been leading a secret double-life. She has a husband AND a girlfriend (which,as Paris would say,is HOT! ) I am a little confused though......if her girlfriend had crabs...shouldn't SHE have them as well??
For the record....I NEVER had crabs...but DID, however; have Salmon AND Tuna both on the SAME night once!
Also Danny....just as your father always seems to "KNOW-A-GUY" for just about everything, I also know a guy who I think can help you out big time. Forget Sloan-Kettering....hop in your car and take a ride to Princeton-Plainsboro teaching hospital and ask to see a Dr. Gregory House. There is a great chance that he can confirm your illness as well as treat it and be rid of it all in 30 minutes. ( He will also slip you all the VICODIN your little heart desires to ease any discomfort you might be experiencing. (you can thank me later).
Keep your chin up Danny boy!! You will beat this thing for sure!!

Joey Di Rino said...

P.S. Who in the world would name their daughters "Salmon" and "Tuna" ?!?!?!?

Jimmy said...

You're too funny. If you need a break, come down to the beach bro. Miss you, keep in good spirits. You're gonna be fine.